My fashion purchases 2020
When is last time you bought clothes?
Do you remember? Was it last week, last month or a year ago?
Do you even remember what you bought last year?
For some of us, shopping for clothes can be quite daunting. Either we come back home with too much stuff ( some that we will probably hardly wear), or sometimes, the decision making process is a nightmare and we come home empty handed .
Personally, I used to really enjoy clothes shopping ( especially a good bargain), but over the years, it ended up filling my wardrobe with clothes that I only wore once or twice, so it was not really sustainable, and I started to think of a way to improve how I shop.
So I worked out the best for me was to shop in June-July period when I was going back to France for the items I established I needed, and during the rest of the year in South Africa, I would look for vintage or local designers that I love.
All of that avoiding as much as I could to buy online as I love touching and feeling fabrics.
Then Covid hit in March 2020, and the world changed overnight. My trip to France was not going to happen and my main income from Interior design was nearly inexistant.
But I am a woman, and I do like to find new outfits and I consider shopping for clothes a treat that I give to myself. So I made a point of carrying on treating myself in 2020, probably to keep my sanity as well.
When 2020 ended, I thought that it could be an interesting to go over my purchases for the year and get some insights on why I bought them and possibly learn some lessons.
I am not here to judge the way I shop or your way of shopping, but merely to have a conscious review of what came in my wardrobe in 2020.
For each of the 13 items of clothes I bought I will be going through the reason of the purchase and the lesson I learnt from it.
The rest of my purchases were 2 pairs of leather shoes ( brogues and flats), 2 colourful leather belts to wear on my dresses and a wool scarf.
Although It didn’t seem like a lot of purchases throughout the year, writing about it made me realize how I actually shop and I truly believe it is a good exercise for you to try as well.
Do it in a non judgemental way, take what comes from it, and learn from it ( if there is any lesson to be learnt).
I hope you have enjoyed this article, and If you need a little guidance with your wardrobe,
I will gladly assist you in creating new outfits with what you have
or designing a mindful shopping plan according to your unique Style.
Yours in style,
HM xx